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Coach Sonia is among North America’s top Business and Life coaches. She is an international speaker, entrepreneur and a powerhouse when it comes to helping others unlock their mind and potential. Sonia’s coaching method is one that she follows rigorously where she takes on a 360 approach to life: from mindset, to body, to relationships and to business. A true life empowering method that allows her Tribe to achieve what is available to them. Her business strategy is a recipe for success matched with magnetic energy and tools to create mind and body synchronicity. Personal Branding might as well be her middle name as she has mastered for herself and her clients the ultimate blueprint to establishing your X-Factor, growing your community, and converting your audience! Coach Sonia is on the rise with no limit ahead, having achieved great success in Canada and the United States, she has now entered the European and International market by storm with an expanding community. Buckle up, she’s a wild tornado that will transport you to where you NEED to be!
Join 50,000+ entrepreneurs, coaches, and creators, and access advice, techniques, and tools for building a business and a life that you love living!